الأحد، 30 سبتمبر 2012

Donghae Birthday Project - 2012 Ends 30 September

Here we are again!

We have prepared a project to celebrate Donghae's 27th Birthday!!

This project consists of 2 parts; Gifts & Special.

It will be great to see you participating in this project~

Please read the following information thoroughly.

Part 1: Gifts

Like all birthdays, it wouldn't mean much without presents right?
 We will be sending gifts to Donghae! 
You can help us by suggesting gift ideas to us. You can either email it to us at haesdiary@gmail.com or mention it to us on Twitter @HAESDIARY_net
As this part of the project requires some monetary amount,
you can also join by donating to this project.
After donating, you may email us the following details to be included in the List
of Donators that will be printed and sent along with this project.

Email Title: Donghae Birthday Project 2012 - Donation
Name: (real name preferred)
Username: (in Hae's Diary)


Paypal - haesdiary@gmail.com

If you are unable to donate through Paypal,
 you may contact our representatives below for help and advice.

Malaysia: @pikzhu301
Australia: @badweather66


Part 2: Special || Birthday Messages

It's here! Once more, we have planned a fan project for you!

This year, you can send a personalised card to Donghae,
purely self-decorated and self-written!

Partnership // Country Representatives

This part of the project is started in partnership with Donghae France.

If your fanbase wishes to join us and becoming a representative for your country, please contact us at haesdiary@gmail.com

You may choose to send your submissions to the country representatives first instead of sending it to Hae's Diary's admin in Malaysia.

A representative's job is to help communicate with fans in their country,
especially in the case where ENGLISH is not the first language spoken.
Therefore, fans can still join this project even if there isn't a representative
 in your country.You will just need to contact us, Hae's Diary directly~

List of Representatives

1. France/Europe - Donghae France

2. Japan - Hae's Diary
(haesdiary.net // @xoxx015)

3. Philippines - Donghae Philippines

4. Australia - Hae's Diary
(haesdiary.net // @badweather66)

5. Malaysia - Hae's Diary
(haesdiary.net // @pikzhu301)

6. Mexico - ELFish Mexico

7. Peru - WithDonghae Peru
 (@WithDonghaePeru // @ELFPeru)

8. Indonesia - ELFishylogy

9. Thailand -

10. Arab - Suju Wings

The idea of this fan project is for you to
print, cut-out and personalise a birthday message for Donghae.

Deadline for us receiving your personalised card is 30 September 2012.

Any cards received after the deadline will not be entertained.

Please read all the guidelines thoroughly before you start decorating and mailing it.


- Pick one of the available read-made designs provided.
- OR design your own template.
Your template design must be one of these ONLY: Fish / Hedgehog / Cake

- You may submit a total of TWO templates for this project.

Minimum Size = A6
- 15cm x 10.5cm // 6in x 4in
Maximum Size = A5
- 21cm x 15cm // 8in x 6in

Ready-made Templates (Please save the full-size image for clear printing // Right-click and save below)


 Pictures of Donghae/SJ/ELF
 Draw on template
 Printing template on colour paper
 Scrapbook materials
 May include ONE small photo of yourself

X Sexual/Offensive contents

X Cutting mistakes, tears, or similar

Decorations MUST be neat. (That means NO glue stains, messy handwriting, etc)

 Decorate only ONE side of the template.

 Please avoid making the template too thick and bulky.


- Encouraged to write in native language (MUST include English or Korean translation)

- If written in English, Keep It Short and Simple (enough for Donghae to understand without the use of Korean translation)

- Everything should be grammatically correct; especially writing in full Korean/English.

- Must be polite and respectful (Not too informal)

- Please include your real name (first name at least) and country

- Avoid mentioning pairings (A bit is fine but nothing too explicit)

X Personal links and information (Twitter/Facebook/Blog/email/Kakaotalk ID/etc)

Handwriting should be clear and can be read properly and easily.

You may print your message and paste it on the template as well.

 We are not limiting the length of your message. You can write as much as you want as long as it can be read properly. If writing in native language, you must provide a precise and correct English/Korean translation. Writing in English does not require a Korean translation but your message must be simple enough and grammatically correct.

 For those writing in other languages besides English/Korean, you may ask Donghae France (French), Hae's Diary (Japanese, Tagalog, Chinese) and Donghae Philippines (Tagalog) for help in translating your message to English. 

Mailing and Postage

- Please email haesdiary@gmail.com for postage address.
- Write the postage address on the envelope, NOT the template itself.
- Notify us once you have mailed it out.
- If you are a member of Hae's Diary,
please write your username on the back side of the envelope.
- Ensure you have enough time for your template to arrive
 before 30 September 2012.

 For fans in Japan and Philippines,
 you may choose to send your template to our staff in your country.
.However, your deadline will be 23 September 2012 instead.

 It it the fan's responsibility to pack your template properly
 for mailing to ensure it arrives in perfect condition,
the fansites are not responsible for ANY damage to your template
 unless sent by out staffs.


 All submissions will be checked thoroughly.
Any submission that does not follow the guidelines will NOT be sent to Donghae.

 If you are unsure whether your message or decoration is following the
 guidelines, you may email us your message to be checked first.
You can also send us a photo of your finished card to 
be checked as wellbefore mailing it.

 We might accept submissions that are decorated on computer.
 However, we do not encourage this option unless really needed.

the original theme: here

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